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 Topical and transdermal drug products — Product Quality tests





       Topically applied drug products fall into two general categories: those applied to achieve local action and those applied to achieve systemic effects after absorption through the skin into the blood circulation. Local action can occur at or on the surface of the application site (e.g., stratum corneum); in the underlying tissues (e.g., epidermis and/or dermis); and in subcutaneous tissues (e.g., muscle or joint). Topically applied drug products include, but are not limited to, creams, gels, ointments, pastes, suspensions, lotions, foams, sprays, aerosols, solutions, and transdermal delivery systems (TDS). The definitions and descriptions of these dosage forms, as well as brief information on their composition and/or manufacturing processes, can be found in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms <1151>.



       Procedures and acceptable criteria for testing topically applied drug products can be divided into those that assess general product quality attributes and those that assess product performance. The product quality attributes include the following: description, identification, assay (strength), impurities, physicochemical properties, uniformity of dosage units, water content, pH, apparent viscosity, microbial limits, antimicrobial preservative content, antioxidant content, sterility (if applicable), and other tests that may be product specific. Product performance testing assesses drug release and other attributes that affect drug release from the finished dosage form.



       This chapter provides lists of consolidated common product quality test requirements in a concise and coherent fashion. This chapter applies, in whole or in part, when referenced in a drug product monograph (see General Notices, 3.10 Applicability of Standards ) and includes the quality tests for the specific route of administration. The quality tests listed can be used as appropriate by manufacturers toward the development of new drug product monographs for submission to USP–NF.

       本章以简洁和连贯的方式提供了常见的产品质量测试要求列表。在药品各论中引用时(见通则 3.10 标准适用性),本章全部或部分适用,并包括特定给药途径的质量属性。如适用,制造商可以根据列出的产品质量属性来起草新的药品各论,提交申报资料至USP-NF 。


       TDS release their active ingredients by different mechanisms. They can be passive or active. This chapter covers only the tests related to passive TDS.

       TDS 通过不同的机制释放其活性成分。它们可以是被动的或主动的。本章仅涵盖与被动释放的TDS 相关测试。


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Additional Procedure for Products Packaged in Containers with a Non-Metered Pump





       For some tests (e.g., viscosity, assay, etc.), with the exception of the uniformity in containers test, samples need to be collected from the pumped-out product. In these instances, the samples should be collected as follows:

       1.Remove cap from container.

       2.Fully depress and release the actuator, disposing of any material dispensed, and allowing the pump actuator to return to the initial position after each actuation. Repeat the sequence, as indicated in the patient instructions, until a full amount of material is dispensed.

       3.Collect the next material dispensed as the sample. Generally, collect NMT the amount needed to perform a single analysis (for the assay test, typically NMT 2 actuations).









       Universal tests [see International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) guidance Q6A—Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances, available at www.ich.org] are listed as follows and are applicable to all topically applied drug products.


       通用测试[参见ICH Q6A指南,质量标准:新原料药和新药制剂的检测方法和可接受标准:化学药物,网址链接 www.ich.org ]如下所列,适用于所有局部应用的药物产品。


Description 描述


       A qualitative description of the drug product should be provided. The acceptance criteria should include the final acceptable appearance of the finished dosage form and packaging. A visual examination should identify changes in color, adhesive migration (i.e., cold flow; see Cold Flow Test) for TDS, separations, crystallization, and others that are specific to the drug product. The description should specify the content or the label claim of the article. For TDS, a visual examination should also be done to assess potential use issues with the product. The examination should include an assessment of the difficulty of removing the TDS from the pouch (e.g., due to adhesive migration adhering the system to the pouch); inability to remove the TDS from the pouch without damage to the system; and adhesive residue remaining on the pouch after removal of the TDS. This is not a compendial test but is part of the manufacturer’s specification for the drug product.




Identification 鉴别


       Identification tests are discussed in General Notices, 5.40 Identification. Identification tests should establish the identity of the drug or drugs present in the article and should discriminate between compounds of closely related structures that are likely to be present. Identification tests should be specific for the drug substance(s) (e.g., infrared spectroscopy). Near-infrared (NIR) or Raman spectrophotometric methods also could be acceptable for the identification of the drug product (for additional information, see Near-Infrared Spectroscopy—Theory and Practice <1856>and Raman Spectroscopy—Theory and Practice <1858>.Identification solely by a single chromatographic retention time is not specific.


       鉴别测试在通则<5.40>鉴别中讨论。鉴定试验应确定物品中存在的一种或多种药物的成份,并应区分可能存在的结构密切相关的化合物。鉴别试验依赖于原料药的特定性质(例如,红外光谱)。近红外(NIR) 或拉曼分光光度法也可以用于鉴别药品(更多信息,请参见近红外光谱—理论与实践 <1856>和拉曼光谱—理论与实践 <1858>)。仅通过单个色谱保留时间进行鉴定并不具有特异性。


Assay 含量测定


       A specific and stability-indicating test should be used to determine the strength (content) of the drug product. This assay requirement can be satisfied for topical products containing antibiotics by a standard microbiological method (see Antibiotics —Microbial Assays <81>). In cases when the use of a nonspecific assay (e.g., Titrimetry<541>) is justified, other supporting analytical procedures should be used to achieve overall specificity.




Impurities 杂质


       Process impurities, synthetic byproducts, impurities associated with the adhesive (e.g., residual monomers), residual solvents (see Residual Solvents <467>), and other inorganic and organic impurities may be present in the drug substance and in the excipients used in the manufacture of the drug product and should be assessed and controlled. Impurities arising from the degradation of the drug substance and those arising during the manufacturing process of the drug product also should be assessed and controlled.


       工艺杂质、合成副产物、与粘合剂相关的杂质(例如,残留单体)、残留溶剂(参见残留溶剂 <467>)、原料药和用于生产药品的辅料中可能存在其他无机和有机杂质,应进行评估和控制。原料药降解产生的杂质和制剂生产过程中产生的杂质也应进行评估和控制。




       In addition to the Universal Tests listed previously, the following Specific Tests should be considered on a case-by-case basis.




Uniformity of Dosage units 剂量单位均一性


       This test is applicable for TDS and for topical dosage forms intended for systemic delivery, or where tight control of the dose is necessary to limit local irritation or undesired systemic exposure, packaged in single-unit containers, such as packets (see Uniformity of Dosage Units <905>). The uniformity of dosage units specification is not intended to apply to solutions, suspensions, emulsions, ointments, or gels in single-unit containers intended for local action following external, cutaneous administration.


       该测试适用于TDS和用于全身给药的局部剂型,或需要严格控制剂量以限制局部刺激或不希望的全身暴露的情况,包装在单个容器中,例如小包(见剂量单位的均一性 <905>)。剂量单位均一性不适用于,在单个单位容器中包装的,皮肤外用起局部作用的溶液、混悬液、乳液、软膏或凝胶剂。


Water Content 水分


       A test for water content should be included when appropriate (see Water Determination <921>). This test is generally formulation dependent. Therefore, it is not included in the compendial drug product monograph but is part of the manufacturer's specification for the drug product.


       如适用,应包括水分测定(见水分测定 <921>)。该测试通常与配方有关。因此,虽是药品生产商质量标准的一部分,却未包含在药典药品专论中。


Microbial Limits 微生物限度


       Microbial examination of nonsterile drug products is performed according to the methods given in Microbial Enumeration Tests<61>and Tests for Specified Microorganisms<62>, unless the formulation itself is demonstrated to have antimicrobial properties. Acceptance criteria for nonsterile pharmaceutical products based on total aerobic microbial count and total combined yeasts and molds count are given in Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products: Acceptance Criteria for Pharmaceutical Preparations and Substances for Pharmaceutical Use<1111>.


       非无菌药品的微生物检查根据微生物计数法 <61>和控制菌检查法 <62>中给出的方法进行,除非证明配方本身具有抗菌特性。基于需氧菌总数、酵母菌和霉菌总数的非无菌药品的接受标准,在非无菌产品的微生物学检查:药物制剂和药用物质的接受标准 <1111>中给出。


Antimicrobial preservative content 抗菌防腐剂含量


       Acceptance criteria for antimicrobial preservative content in multi-unit products should be established. They should be based on the levels of antimicrobial preservative necessary to maintain the product’s microbiological quality at all stages throughout its proposed usage and shelf life (see Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing<51>).


       应建立多剂量包装产品中抗菌防腐剂含量的接受标准。它们应基于在产品建议使用和货架期的所有阶段保持产品微生物质量所需的抗菌防腐剂水平设定(参见抗菌效力测试 <51>)。


Antioxidant content 抗氧剂含量


       If antioxidants are present in the drug product, tests of their content should be established unless oxidative degradation can be detected by another test method such as impurity testing. Acceptance criteria for antioxidant content should be established. They should be based on the levels of antioxidant necessary to maintain the product’s stability at all stages throughout the product's proposed usage and shelf life.




Sterility 无菌


       Depending on the use of the dosage form (e.g., products that will be applied to open wounds or burned areas), sterility of the product should be demonstrated as appropriate (see Sterility Tests<71>).






       When applicable, topically applied drug products should be tested for pH. Because some topically applied drug products contain very limited quantities of water or aqueous phase, pH measurements may not always be warranted. This test is generally formulation dependent. Therefore, it is not included in the compendial drug product monograph but is part of the manufacturer's specification for the drug product.


       适用时,应测试局部应用的药物产品的 pH 值。由于一些局部应用的药物产品含有非常有限的水或水相,因此可能并不总是需要测定 pH 值。该测试通常取决于配方。因此,它不包含在药典药品专论中,而是制造商药品质量标准的一部分。


Particle size 粒径


       When the finished product contains a suspended solid drug substance, the product should be examined for particle size. The particle size of the active drug substance(s) in topically applied drug products is usually established and controlled at the formulation development stage. However, topically applied drug products should be examined for evidence of particle alteration (i.e., drug polymorphic form, appearance of particles, size, shape, morphology, agglomeration, or aggregation) of the drug substance that may occur during the course of product processing and storage. These types of tests are generally formulation dependent. Therefore, such tests are not included in compendial drug product monographs but are part of the manufacturer's specification for the drug product.




Crystal formation 结晶


       When the drug substance is dissolved in the finished product, the product should be microscopically examined for evidence of crystal formation of the active drug substance. This test is generally formulation dependent. Therefore, it is not included in the compendial drug product monograph but is part of the manufacturer’s specification for the drug product. It is recommended that the potential for the drug product to form crystals of drug substance be examined during product development.






       For TDS, the in vitro drug release test is required as a batch-to-batch quality control. See Drug Release<724>for apparatus and test conditions. The development and validation report of the in vitro drug release test needs to include sufficient detail and data to facilitate the assessment of whether the method is adequate as a quality control test for batch release and stability testing.


        对于TDS,需进行体外药物释放测试,以对产品质量进行控制。有关仪器和测试条件,请参阅释放度测定法 <724>。体外药物释放测试的开发和验证报告需要包括足够的细节和数据,以方便评估该方法是否足以作为批次放行和稳定性测试的质量控制测试。


       For semisolid dosage forms, in vitro drug release testing is currently not required for batch release. See Semisolid Drug Products—Performance Tests<1724>for apparatus, test conditions, and test applicability.


       对于半固体剂型,批次放行中,目前不需要进行体外药物释放测试。有关仪器、测试条件和测试适用性的信息,请参阅半固体药物产品-性能测试 <1724>。




       See Ophthalmic Products—Quality Tests<771>. 参见眼用制剂-质量测试 <771>




       SeeTopical Aerosols<603>. 参见局部气溶胶 <603>




Minimum Fill 最低装量


       Single- and multiple-unit containers must meet minimum fill requirements as established by testing described in Minimum Fill<775>. For single-unit containers where the test for <905>is applied, the test for <755>is not required.


       单剂量和多剂量包装产品,必须按照最低装量 <755>的规定进行最低装量检查,以确定其满足最低装量要求。对于单剂量包装产品,如果按照通则剂量单位均匀度 <905>进行了检查,就不需要再进行 <755>中规定的相关测试。


Apparent Viscosity 表观粘度


       Viscosity is a measure of a formulation’s resistance to flow and is an assessment of a rheological property of a semisolid dosage form. The term “apparent viscosity” applies to non-Newtonian fluids, which comprise the majority of semisolid pharmaceutical dosage forms.




       Measurement procedures should be developed as outlined in Viscosity—Capillary Methods<911>, Viscosity—Rotational Methods<912> and Viscosity—Rolling Ball Method<913>. For semisolids that show thixotropy and/or irreversible changes in viscosity after shearing, specific attention should be given to sample preparation procedures to minimize variability in the measurement of apparent viscosity caused by variable shear histories (e.g., mixing speed and temperature, filling operation, and sample handling). Furthermore, for some products it may be warranted to have apparent viscosity specifications at more than one stage of the manufacturing process or with more than one set of test conditions (e.g., bulk in-process stage, final packaged product, high and low shear rates, and different temperatures).


       应按照粘度—毛细管方法 <911>、粘度—旋转方法 <912>和粘度—滚球方法 <913>中的概述进行方法开发。对于具有触变性和/或剪切后出现不可逆变化的半固体,在样品制备过程中应特别注意,减小由剪切过程变化(如,混合速度和温度、填充操作和样品处理)引起的表观粘度测定的变异性。此外,对于某些产品,可能需要在生产工艺的多个阶段或多组测试条件下,拟定表观粘度的接受标准(例如,批量加工阶段、最终包装产品、高和低剪切速率以及不同的温度)。


       Apart from single-point viscosity measurements, more advanced rheological techniques (flow, oscillatory, creep, and stress relaxation testing) can be applied to develop a mechanistic understanding of a formulation and its structure. These techniques may be useful for product development using the principles of quality by design or for comparative physicochemical characterization of the test and reference formulations in the case of a biowaiver argument in a generic drug application. However, these techniques are not generally suitable for routine quality testing. Common parameters derived from rheological testing of semisolid pharmaceutical dosage forms that may be useful for characterization and comparison are the storage modulus, loss modulus, relaxation modulus, compliance, thixotropic index, and yield stress.




       Acceptance criteria are product specific and defined to ensure that the apparent viscosity of each batch of semisolid drug product is within the range defined by the product design and is consistent between batches based on the product development specifications and statistical assessment of multiple product batches over the product’s shelf life.




Uniformity in Containers 容器内容物的均匀性


       Topically applied semisolid drug products may show physical separation during manufacturing processes and during their shelf life. To ensure the integrity of the drug product, it is essential to evaluate the uniformity of the finished product. This test applies only to multiple-unit containers, such as tubes and jars. This test does not apply to more fluid topical drug products in multiple-unit containers, such as emulsions, lotions, two-phase gels, or topical suspensions, in which the labeling directs the user to mix the product (e.g., shake well) before use.




Products packaged in tubes 管状产品


       Visual uniformity: Carefully remove or cut off the bottom tube seal and make a vertical cut from the bottom to the top of the tube. Carefully cut the tube around the upper rim, open the two flaps, and lay the flaps open to expose the product.




       Inspect the product visually for the presence of phase separation, change in physical appearance and texture (e.g., color change, crystallization, lumping), and other properties described in the product specification for Description. If there is no significant phase separation or change in physical appearance and texture, and if the product meets the Description criteria, the product passes the test. If the product exhibits significant phase separation or change in physical appearance or texture, the product fails the test.




       Uniformity of active ingredient(s): The following procedures can be modified depending on the sensitivity of the quantitative procedure used to determine the amount of the drug substance(s) present in the formulation.




For multiple-unit tubes that contain 5 g or more of product 对于含有5g或更多量的多剂量管


STAGE 1: 第一阶段


       1.Using a single tube, after performing the test for Visual uniformity, remove an appropriate amount of the product from the top (i.e., cap end), middle, and bottom (i.e., seal end) portions of the tube. The sample size should be sufficient for at least one quantitative determination of the active ingredient(s) and should not exceed the maximum dose recommended by the product labeling for a single application.




       2.Determine the amount of the active ingredient(s) in each portion of the product using any appropriate validated quantitative procedure, and evaluate the test results from the single tube using the Stage 1 acceptance criteria outlined in number 3.



       3.Stage 1 acceptance criteria are met if:

       None of the three results are outside of the product assay range, and

       The maximum difference in the amount of active ingredient(s) determined within the tube is NMT 10.0%. For example, if the three measurements within the tube are 97.0%, 95.2%, and 99.7%, the maximum difference would be 4.5% (i.e., 99.7% − 95.2% = 4.5%).

       如果满足以下条件,则符合第 1 阶段的接受标准:



       测定的三个部分活性成分含量的最大差异不超过10.0%。例如,如果管内的三个测定值分别为 97.0%、95.2%和 99.7%,则最大差异为4.5%(即,99.7% - 95.2% = 4.5%)


       4.Proceed to Stage 2 testing if Stage 1 acceptance criteria are not met and none of the test results are outside the product assay range by more than 5.0% (e.g., if the product assay range is 90.0%−120%, the range will be 85.0%−125.0%), and the maximum difference in the amount of active ingredient(s) measured within the tube is NMT 10.0%. An example of a product that fails to meet Stage 1 criteria: if the highest and lowest assay values were 106.0% and 94.7% of label claim, then the difference would be 106.0% − 94.7% = 11.3%.


       如果不符合第 1 阶段的接受标准,但测试结果均未超出产品含量规定范围的5.0%(例如,如果产品含量的规定范围为90.0%-120%,则该范围为85.0%-125.0%),且测定的管内活性成分含量的最大差异不超过10.0%,则继续第2 阶段测试。不符合第1阶段标准的产品示例:如果最高和最低检测值分别为标示量的106.0%和94.7%,则差异为106.0% - 94.7% = 11.3%。


       5.Proceed to Stage 3 testing if Stage 1 acceptance criteria are not met, Stage 2 acceptance criteria cannot be met, NMT one of the three test results is outside of the product assay range by more than ±5.0%, and the maximum difference of the amount of active ingredient(s) measured within the tube is NMT 15.0%.


       如果不符合第 1 阶段和第 2 阶段接受标准,但测试结果均不超过产品含量规定范围的±5.0%,且测定的管内活性成分含量的最大差异不超过15.0%,则继续第 3 阶段测试。


STAGE 2: 第二阶段


       1.Test an additional 2 tubes for Visual uniformity and Uniformity of active ingredient(s) for a total of 3 samples each from 3 tubes.




       2.Determine the amount of the active ingredient(s) in each portion of the product using any appropriate validated quantitative procedure, and evaluate the test results from the 3 tubes using the Stage 2 acceptance criteria.




       3.Stage 2 acceptance criteria are met if:

       The Visual uniformity test is met for all tubes;

       None of the 9 results (i.e., 3 each from 3 tubes) are outside of the product assay range by NMT 5.0%; and

       The maximum difference of the amount of active ingredient(s) measured within each tube, for each of the samples tested, is NMT 10.0%.







       4.Proceed to Stage 3 testing if NMT one of the 9 test results is outside of the product assay range by ±5.0% and the maximum difference of the amount of active ingredient(s) measured within each tube is NMT 15.0%.


       如果9个测试结果中,有不多于1个结果超过±5.0%,且每个管中的三个部分活性成分含量的最大差异不超过15.0%,则继续第 3 阶段测试。


STAGE 3: 第三阶段


       1.If Stage 2 has been completed, test an additional 7 tubes for Visual uniformity and Uniformity of active ingredient(s) for a total of 3 samples each from 10 tubes. If Stage 2 was skipped, test an additional 9 tubes for Visual uniformity and Uniformity of active ingredient(s) for a total of 3 samples each from 10 tubes.




       2.Determine the amount of active ingredient(s) in each portion of the product using any appropriate validated quantitative procedure, and evaluate the test results from the 10 tubes using the Stage 3 acceptance criteria as outlined in number 3.



       3.Stage 3 acceptance criteria are met if:

       The Visual uniformity test is met for all tubes;

       NMT 1 of the 30 test results is outside of the product assay range by ±5.0%; and

       The maximum difference of the amount of active ingredient(s) measured within each tube, for each of the 10 tubes tested, is NMT 15.0%.







For multiple-unit tubes that contain less than 5 g of product 对于剂量低于5g的多剂量管


STAGE 1: 第一阶段


       1.Using a single tube, after performing the test for Visual uniformity, remove an appropriate amount of product from the top (i.e., cap end) and bottom (i.e., seal end) portions of the tube. The sample size should be sufficient for at least one quantitative determination of the active ingredient(s) and should not exceed the maximum dose recommended by the product labeling for a single application.




       2.Determine the amount of the active ingredient(s) in each portion of the product using any appropriate validated quantitative procedure, and evaluate the test results from the tube using the Stage 1 acceptance criteria outlined in number 3.




       3.Stage 1 acceptance criteria are met if:

       Neither result is outside of the product assay range; and

       The difference between the amount of active ingredient(s) determined for the 2 samples within the tube tested is NMT 10.0%. For example, if the two measurements within a tube were 95.2% and 89.7%, the difference would be 5.5%.

       如果满足以下条件,则符合第 1 阶段的接受标准:



       测定的两个部分活性成分含量的最大差异不超过10.0%。例如,如果管内的两个测定值分别为  95.2%和 89.7%,则最大差异为5.5%。


       4.Proceed to Stage 2 testing if Stage 1 acceptance criteria are not met and neither of the test results are outside the product assay range by more than ±5.0% (e.g., if the product assay range is 90.0%−120.0%, the range will be 85.0%−125.0%), and the difference between the amounts of active ingredient(s) measured within the tube is NMT 10.0%.


       如果不符合第 1 阶段的接受标准,但测试结果均未超出产品含量规定范围的5.0%(例如,如果产品含量的规定范围为90.0%-120%,则该范围为85.0%-125.0%),且测定的管内活性成分含量的差异不超过10.0%,则继续第2 阶段测试。


       5.Proceed to Stage 3 testing if Stage 1 acceptance criteria are not met, Stage 2 acceptance criteria cannot be met, NMT one of the test results is outside of the product assay range by more than ±5.0%, and the difference between the amounts of active ingredient(s) measured within the tube is NMT 15.0%.


       如果不符合第 1 阶段和第 2 阶段接受标准,但测试结果均不超过产品含量规定范围的±5.0%,且测定的管内活性成分含量的差异不超过15.0%,则继续第 3 阶段测试。


STAGE 2: 第二阶段


       1.Test an additional 2 tubes for Visual uniformity and Uniformity of active ingredient(s) for a total of 2 samples each from 3 tubes.




       2.Determine the amount of the active ingredient(s) in each portion of the product using any appropriate validated quantitative procedure, and evaluate the test results from the 3 tubes using the Stage 2 acceptance criteria as outlined in number 3.




       3.Stage 2 acceptance criteria are met if:

       The Visual uniformity test is met for all tubes;

       None of the 6 test results (i.e., 2 each from 3 tubes) are outside of the product assay range by ±5.0%; and

       The difference between the amount of active ingredient(s) determined for the 2 samples within each tube, for each of the 3 tubes tested is NMT 10.0%.







       4.Proceed to Stage 3 testing if NMT one of the 6 test results is outside of the product assay range by ±5.0%, and the difference between the amounts of active ingredient(s) measured within each tube is NMT 15.0%.


       如果6个测试结果中,有不多于1个结果超过±5.0%,且每个管中的活性成分含量的最大差异不超过15.0%,则继续第 3 阶段测试。


STAGE 3: 第三阶段


       1.If Stage 2 has been completed, test an additional 7 tubes for Visual uniformity and Uniformity of active ingredient(s) for a total of 2 samples each from 10 tubes. If Stage 2 was skipped, test an additional 9 tubes for Visual uniformity and Uniformity of active ingredient(s) for a total of 2 samples each from 10 tubes.




       2.Determine the amount of active ingredient(s) in each portion of the product using any appropriate validated quantitative procedure, and evaluate the test results from the 10 tubes using the Stage 3 acceptance criteria as outlined in number 3.




       3.Stage 3 acceptance criteria are met if:

       The Visual uniformity test is met for all tubes;

       19 of 20 test results are within ±5.0% of the product assay range; and

       The difference between the amount of active ingredient(s) determined for the 2 samples within each tube, for each of the 10 tubes tested, is NMT 15.0%.







Products packaged in containers other than tubes 非管状包装产品


       For semisolid products packaged in a container other than a tube when the sampling method presented previously cannot be used, other sampling methods are acceptable, such as this method described for a jar:




       1.Select a suitable syringe of sufficient length to extend to the bottom of the container.




       2.Remove and set aside the syringe plunger, and cut off the bottom of the syringe barrel. Sampling should take place from a location to the left or right of the mid-line of the jar surface to preserve an undisturbed region on the other side for any additional investigation (see Figure 1).


        取下注射器柱塞放在一边,切掉注射器针筒的底部。采样应从罐表面中线左侧或右侧的位置进行,以在另一侧保留未受干扰的区域,以便进行任何其他调查(见图 1)


Figure 1. Sampling from a jar container  图1:从罐式容器中取样


       3.Slowly push the syringe barrel into the container until it reaches the bottom. Then twist the syringe barrel containing the sample core, and remove the syringe from the container.




       4.Insert the syringe plunger into the barrel, and carefully extrude the sample core onto a clean surface in three equal portions to represent the top, middle, and bottom portions of the container.




       5.Remove an appropriate sample representative of the top, middle, and bottom portions of the container samples, and test according to the instructions outlined in Products Packaged in Tubes.




Delivered-Dose Uniformity in Metered Dose Containers 定量容器的递送剂量均匀性


       The test for delivered-dose uniformity is required for drug products contained either in metered-dose containers or in premetered unit presentations. The test for delivered-dose uniformity includes dose uniformity over the entire unit shelf life. Select 1 container. Using separate collection vessels, quantitatively collect delivered doses representing the initial, middle, and the final dose from the container. Appropriately discard doses not collected for testing. Determine the drug substance content of each of the 3 collected samples using an appropriate and validated quantitative procedure or the procedure indicated in the individual monograph. A dose in this test is defined as the minimum recommended number of actuations specified in the product labeling or in the instructions for use but NMT 2 actuations. The target-delivered dose is specified by the product label claim, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph.




In-Process Testing 在线测试


Pump functionality test for metered and non-metered dose container closures 定量和非定量容器封闭的泵功能测试


       This test is conducted during product development to establish that the airless pumps are performing as intended. This test is product dependent. Therefore, it is part of the manufacturer’s controls for the drug product and it is not included in compendial drug product monographs.




       During the filling process for semisolid or liquid products packaged in a non-metered dose container closure requiring an actuator to dispense the product (for example, an airless pump container), in-process testing to verify pump functionality should be examined. Example tests include pumps to prime and total amount dispensed.





       TDS are formulated with an adhesive layer to ensure intimate contact with the skin and allow the delivery of the desired dose of the drug. Adhesives in TDS must permit easy removal of the release liner before use, adhere properly to human skin upon application, maintain adhesion to the skin during the prescribed period of use, and permit easy removal of the TDS at the end of use without leaving a residue or causing damage to the skin or other undesirable effect(s). Additionally, adhesives must be able to maintain the performance of the TDS throughout the shelf life of the drug product.




       Testing of the physical properties of the TDS generally include peel adhesion, release liner peel, tack, cold flow, shear, and crystal formation (see Crystal Formation). The peel adhesion, release liner peel, and tack tests measure the adhesion properties of the TDS. Each of these tests measures the force required to separate the TDS from another surface. The cold flow and shear tests measure the cohesive properties of the TDS. These latter tests measure the resistance to flow of the adhesive matrix.




       Acceptance criteria are product specific and defined to ensure that adhesion of each batch of TDS is within the range defined by the product design and is consistent between batches based on the product development specifications and statistical assessment of multiple product batches over the product’s shelf life.

       In addition to physical testing, this section also discusses the Leak Test applicable to form-fill-seal-type (reservoir or pouched) TDS.



       除了物理测试外,本节还讨论了适用于成型-填充-密封型(储罐或袋装)TDS 的泄漏测试。


Peel Adhesion Test 剥离强度测试


       This test measures the force required to remove (peel away) a TDS attached to a standard substrate surface (e.g., polished stainless steel). The TDS is applied to the substrate using specified techniques for application and is conditioned at a specified temperature and time. Then the TDS is peeled away from the substrate with an instrument that allows for control of the peel angle (e.g., 90° or 180°) and peel rate (e.g., 300 mm/min), and the force profile is recorded. This procedure is repeated using a minimum of 5 independent samples yielding results from a suitable method (see Development of Peel Adhesion and Static Shear Test Methods). The in vitro adhesive properties of the drug product should thus be characterized with the specifications limits for the specified tests in accordance with the results obtained on clinical batches for which satisfactory in vivo adhesive properties under product use have been demonstrated and used to support their justification of the drug product specification. Release and shelf life limits should be the same, unless justified by reference to clinical batches.


       该测试测量移除(剥离)附着在标准基底表面(例如,抛光不锈钢)上的TDS所需的力。使用指定的应用技术将TDS粘附在基底上,并在指定的温度和时间进行调节。然后使用可以控制剥离角度(例如,90° 或180°)和剥离速率(例如,300 毫米/分钟)的仪器将TDS从基底上剥离,并同时记录力分布。采用合适的方法,使用至少5个独立样品重复测定(参见剥离强度和静态剪切测试方法的发展)。可以根据在临床试验中使用的获得令人满意的体内粘附特性的批次结果,论述产品规范制定依据,对产品的体外粘附特性进行表征,为特定测试拟定合理的接受限度。放行和货架期限度应保持一致,除非参考临床批次证明是合理的。


       The geometry of a TDS (e.g., round or rectangular shaped) and its design (e.g., TDS with different surfaces such as an inner part and with a peripheral adhesive ring) should be considered in the method.

       The substrate surface should be cleaned regularly and checked for scratches, as this may influence test results.





Development of Peel Adhesion and Static Shear Test Methods 剥离强度和静态剪切试验方法的开发


       During method development, suitable methods (including test panel surface) need to be identified. For peel adhesion testing, the method should allow the TDS to be removed entirely and cleanly, leaving no visually noticeable matrix residue on the substrate surface (i.e., cohesive failure).




       In contrast, for static shear testing, cohesive failure (i.e., adhesive is left on the TDS and on the substrate plate) should occur.

       Suitable peel adhesion and static shear test methods do not result in undesired adhesive failures. Undesired adhesive failure occurs when the TDS delaminates at an interface (e.g., between a membrane and an adhesive layer, or between two different adhesive layers of a bilayer product). During peel adhesion testing, transfer of adhesive to the test panel (i.e., cohesive failure) is an additional undesired adhesive failure mode.




Release Liner Peel Test 释放衬垫剥离测试


       This test measures the force required to separate the release liner from the adhesive layer of the TDS. The test is performed with a finished product sample. The test sample is conditioned using specific procedures (temperature and time). Then, the release liner is pulled away from the TDS with an instrument that allows for control of the peel angle (e.g., 90° or 180°) and peel rate (300 mm/min), and the force profile is recorded. This procedure is repeated using a minimum of 5 independent samples. The product fails the test if the mean peel force is outside the acceptable range determined during product development and based on statistical assessment of multiple product batches over the product’s shelf life.


       该测试测量将释放衬垫与TDS的粘合剂层分离所需的力。使用成品样品进行测试。使用特定程序(温度和时间)调节测试样品。然后,使用可以控制剥离角度(例如,90°或180°)和剥离速率(300 mm/min)的仪器将释放衬垫从TDS上拉开,并记录力分布。使用最少5个独立样本重复此过程。如果平均剥离力超出产品开发过程中基于产品货架期内多个产品批次的统计评估确定的可接受范围,则产品未通过测试。


Tack Test 粘性测试


       A few tack test methods have been developed and the current predominantly used method is the Probe Tack Method. It is up to the TDS manufacturer to decide which tack test is most appropriate for each drug product.




Probe tack method 探针粘性方法


       This test measures the force required to separate the tip of the test probe from the adhesive layer of the TDS. This test uses an instrument designed to create a bond between the tip of the stainless steel test probe (of defined geometry) and the TDS using a controlled force (light pressure) and specified test conditions (i.e., rate, contact time, contact pressure, and temperature). Then while controlling the rate of probe removal, the test measures the force required to separate the probe tip from the TDS and the maximum force required to break the bond (tack). This procedure is repeated using a minimum of 5 individual samples. The product fails the test if the mean test result is outside the acceptable range determined during product development and based on statistical assessment of multiple product batches over the product’s shelf life.

       The probe head surface should be cleaned regularly and checked for scratches, as this may influence the test results.

       该测试测量将测试探针的尖端与 TDS 的粘合剂层分离所需的力。该测试采用仪器进行,旨在使用受控的力(轻压)和指定的测试条件(即速率、接触时间、接触压力、温度)。然后,在控制探针移除速率的同时,该测试测量将探针尖端与 TDS 分离所需的力以及破坏键合(粘性)所需的最大力。使用最少 5 个单独的样品重复该过程。如果平均测试结果超出产品开发过程中基于产品货架期期内多个产品批次的统计评估确定的可接受范围,则产品未通过测试。



Cold Flow Test 冷流测试


       Cold flow is the migration of the adhesive matrix beyond the edge of the TDS backing, and through the slit in the release liner, which may occur during the course of product processing and storage. Cold flow is an inherent property of TDS due to the use of pressure-sensitive adhesives that flow when force is applied (i.e., if the adhesive matrix did not flow, the TDS would not stick). The magnitude of the cold flow is generally dependent on the product formulation, packaging design, storage conditions, and storage time. Cold flow should be assessed using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. No single quantitative method has been identified to work universally for all TDS. The TDS manufacturer should determine the most suitable cold flow test, or tests, as cold flow may manifest differently for different products. Several different cold flow tests have been developed. Examples include:


       冷流是粘合剂基质的迁移超出 TDS 背衬的边缘,并通过隔离衬垫中的狭缝,这种情况可能发生在产品加工和存储过程中。冷流是 TDS的固有特性,因为使用了在施加力时会流动的压敏粘合剂(即,如果粘合剂基质不流动,则 TDS 不会粘住)。冷流的大小通常取决于产品配方、包装设计、储存条件和储存时间。应使用定量和定性方法的组合来评估冷流。没有一种单一的定量方法适用于所有TDS的冷流测试。因为不同产品的冷流表现可能不同,TDS制造商应确定最合适的冷流测试方法。已经开发了几种不同的冷流测试。例子包括:


・Linear measurement of the radial cold flow using microscopy

・Measuring the distance of migrated adhesive matrix at predefined and evenly spaced positions of a TDS

・Measuring cold flow by applying a reference plate in the size of the TDS plus the acceptable cold flow

・Swabbing and stripping the migrated part of the matrix and determining it gravimetrically or by assay of the drug substance

・Die cutting and punching out the original size of the TDS and determining the amount of migrated matrix on the outside

・Overall area determining methods of cold flow using image analysis tools









       Acceptance criteria are product specific and defined to ensure that the cold flow of each batch of TDS is within the range defined by the product design and is consistent between batches based on the product development specifications and statistical assessment of multiple batches over the product’s shelf life.




Shear Test 剪切试验


       The shear test measures the cohesive strength of a TDS. It can be measured under static (see Static Shear Test) or dynamic conditions. Shear testing may not be feasible for all TDS because the presence of multiple layers of adhesive in the system, the presence of a membrane or scrim, or the use of an emulsion adhesive system may result in the inability to achieve cohesive failure. TDS that are constructed with a peripheral adhesive ring or form-fill-seal TDS may not be suitable for this test. The TDS manufacturer should decide if a shear test is appropriate, and if so, which shear test is most appropriate for each drug product. Acceptance criteria are product specific and defined to ensure that the shear of each batch of TDS is within the range defined by the product design and is consistent between batches based on the product development specifications and statistical assessment of multiple product batches over the product’s shelf life.




Static Shear Test 静态剪切试验


       For the static shear test, the time required to remove a standard area of the TDS from the substrate (i.e., stainless steel test panel) under a standard load (e.g., 250 g) is measured. The TDS is applied to a test panel, and the sample is subjected to a shearing force by means of a given weight suspended from the TDS. The test apparatus holds the test panels at 0°− 2° from vertical to ensure that the TDS will not experience peeling action when the weight is attached. Dwell time, weight used, test panel type, mode of failure, and sample size should be noted; the time taken for the TDS sample to detach from the test panel is reported. This procedure is repeated using a minimum of 5 independent samples yielding results from a suitable method (see Development of Peel Adhesion and Static Shear Test Methods). The product fails the test if the mean shear force (i.e., arithmetic mean or geometric mean as determined by the manufacturer) is outside the acceptable range determined during product development and based on statistical assessment of multiple product batches over the product’s shelf life.


       对于静态剪切测试,测量在标准负载(例如,250 g)下从基材(即不锈钢测试板)上去除标准区域的TDS 所需的时间。将TDS施加到测试板上,样品通过悬挂在TDS上的给定重量承受剪切力。测试设备将测试面板保持在与垂直方向成0°- 2°的位置,以确保在连接重物时TDS不会发生剥离作用。应注意停留时间、使用的重量、测试板类型、失效模式和样本大小;报告TDS样品从测试面板上分离所需的时间。使用至少5个独立样品重复此过程,从合适的方法中得出结果(参见剥离附着力和静态剪切测试方法的发展)。如果平均剪切力(即,制造商确定的算术平均值或几何平均值)超出“在产品开发期间和依据产品货架期内多个产品批次的统计评估确定的”可接受范围,则产品未通过测试。


Leak Test 泄漏测试


       This test is applicable only for form-fill-seal-type (reservoir or pouched) TDS. Form-fill-seal TDS must be manufactured with zero tolerance for leaks because of their potential for dose dumping if leaking occurs.

       In-process control methods to examine TDS for leaks or potential leaks are needed and require considerable development on the part of TDS manufacturers.





In-process testing 在线测试


       During the manufacturing process, the presence of leakage (or potential for leakage) due to TDS perforation, cuts, and faulty seals resulting from failures such as air bubbles, gel splash, or misalignment of a TDS backing and release liner layers must be examined. Unless automated process analytical technology is implemented, in-process testing to identify these defects should be performed using the following test procedures.




       Visual inspection: 目视检查

・A specified number of TDS, defined on the basis of batch size, should be examined randomly

・Each sampled TDS should be thoroughly visually inspected for leakage

・The product fails if any of the TDS examined are detected with a leak






       Seal integrity: TDS seals should be stress tested to ensure that the application of pressure does not force seals to open, thereby leading to leakage.

・A specified number of TDS, defined on the basis of batch size, should be randomly examined.

・Each sampled TDS should be thoroughly visually inspected for leakage.

・Each sampled TDS is placed on a hard, flat surface and overlaid with a weight so that it is subjected to 13.6 kg. The weight should be left in place for 2 min. Upon removal of the weight, the TDS should be visually inspected for leakage.

・The product fails if the number of TDS detected with a leak is greater than the acceptable limit established by the manufacturer.

       密封完整性:TDS 密封件应进行应力测试,以确保施加的压力不会迫使密封件打开,从而导致泄漏。







Packaged product testing: TDS may leak after they have been individually placed in the primary packaging material as a result of the packaging operation itself or by a user opening the packaging. Therefore, TDS should be tested for leakage after they have been manufactured and packaged in their primary packaging material.

・A specified number of TDS, defined on the basis of batch size, should be randomly examined after they have been placed in their primary packaging material.

・The sampled TDS should be removed from their packaging and thoroughly visually inspected for leakage.

・Each sampled TDS should then be uniformly wiped with a solvent-moistened swab. Both the backing side and the release liner side of the TDS should be wiped. The inside surface of the pouch should also be wiped. The swab(s) is then extracted and assayed for the drug.

・The product fails if the total amount of drug from the TDS, and the corresponding pouch, exceed the acceptable limit established by the manufacturer.

包装产品测试:由于包装操作本身或用户打开包装,将TDS单独放入初级包装材料后,TDS 可能会泄漏。因此,应在生产和包装在初级包装材料后,对TDS进行泄露测试。

・根据批次大小定义的特定数量的 TDS,应在将它们放入其初级包装材料后进行随机检查。


・然后应使用浸有溶剂的棉签均匀地擦拭每个采样的TDS。应擦拭TDS 的背衬侧和隔离衬垫侧。袋子的内表面也应擦拭。然后提取擦拭物并进行测定。 



原创: 潘宪伟



















